Health Blog: Solutions & Wellness Tips
Top 3 Exercises To Reduce Your Risk for Wrist And Elbow Pain

Most people don’t realize just how much they rely on their wrists and elbows to function properly until a problem arises. This is often the case for anyone with wrist or elbow pain, which can cause daily life to become a series of obstacles to overcome, often leading many patients to skip many activities altogether to avoid aggravating pain. This in turn can cause performance issues at work or in sports, which may equate to lost wages or fitness impairments over time.
Therefore, it’s important to take steps to reduce your risk for wrist and elbow pain in the first place. Many people are unaware that their profession itself could be contributing to this type of pain, especially if repetitive movements&like typing on a computer, cutting hair, working on an assembly line&are involved. While we would never recommend changing your professions unless the circumstances were dire, there are some ways you can reduce your risk for repetitive strain injuries, such as adjusting your posture and the positioning of your hands and wrists, trying to avoid repetitive and straining movements, and modifying your workstation positioning and habits. In addition, we strongly recommend the following exercises for boosting your strength and flexibility, which will in turn help you avoid injury:
Our top 3 exercises to prevent wrist or elbow pain
To see videos of each exercise, go to and enter prescription code XGXLMGKL
- Resisted Elbow Extension with Weight
- Lie on your back with one elbow supported by the opposite arm
- Hold a small dumbbell (2–5 lbs) in one hand
- Straighten your elbow against the resistance of the weight
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Complete 2 sets of 12 repetitions for each arm, two times per week
- Resisted Hammer Curls with Weight
- Stand with your arms by your side with your thumb facing forward
- Hold a small dumbbell (2–5 lbs) in one hand
- Bend your elbow, leading with your thumb
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Complete 2 sets of 12 repetitions for each arm, two times per week
- Resisted Elbow Flexion: Palm Up
- Stand with your arms by your side and palm facing forward
- Hold a small dumbbell (2–5 lbs) in one hand
- Flex your elbow while bringing your hand toward shoulder
- Hold for 5 seconds
- Complete 2 sets of 12 repetitions for each arm, two times per week
In our next post, we’ll break down a study that highlights the benefits of physical therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome.
July 12, 2022
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